These are smaller pieces made as I explore. All were produced between late June 2019 and July 2020 – shown from top to bottom in approximate date order.

As I began in June 2019, I merged layers of: drawings in landscape, digital images of drawings and images of on-going work (these are both physically printed and layered within software) together with manufactured items, paint, children’s toys, and other art and design media including polyurethene and children’s art media. I was fascinated with how to make images of these objects and then, even, make images of the images. Woven into that was the unstoppable urge to create narrative. Or at least, spaces for narratives. Which came first: the objects, the images or the narratives! Or were they all mixed up? How is it, in those disparate ‘spaces’, that any aesthetic coherence is possible? Or is it best to abandon coherence?